Hush Hush! A Bletchley Story by Mikron Theatre Company

2025-01-08T09:10:39+00:00November 11th, 2024|, |

In a non-descript mansion house, in a non-descript town, a group of extra-ordinary men and women worked to provide intelligence that would help to win the war. But shhhhhh, you’d better keep it under your hat, because as far as the rest of the world is concerned, Bletchley Park doesn’t exist. Peggy Valentine arrives at [...]

‘Hamlet’ by The Lord Chamberlain’s Men – Outdoor Theatre at Broadway Tower

2024-05-29T11:43:10+01:00September 22nd, 2023||

Join us for an outdoor production of Hamlet, in the stunning iconic location of Broadway Tower. With a history stretching back to William Shakespeare himself they present this great play as he first saw it, in the open air, with an all male cast and Elizabethan costumes, music and dance. Sitting under the same stars [...]

Robin Hood by Illyria – Family Outdoor Theatre on the Village Green

2023-05-26T16:32:59+01:00December 15th, 2022|, , |

From the earliest ballads of Robin Hood, some pre-dating Chaucer, Illyria has created a fast-moving, fun-packed family show. While good King Richard is away fighting the crusades, his friend Robert Fitzooth, under the assumed name of Robin Hood, resolves to relieve corrupt landowners of their wealth, to ruin the inept Sheriff of Nottingham and to [...]

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