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artBEAT is the opening 3 day weekend for the festival that showcases the work of some of Britain’s top artists, designers and artisans in the main marquee on the village green in this idyllic Cotswold village.
Entry to the exhibitor marquee is free to the public!

Throughout the weekend the marquee will house talented artists, printmakers, sculptors, jewellers, ceramicists, designer-makers and a host of traditional artisans demonstrating their skills & selling their work direct to the public. The Art Shop Skipton will be there selling a vast range of artist supplies and Ann Blockley RI SWA will be demonstrating and book-signing on the Saturday.

There will also be celebrity talks, exhibitions, guided heritage walks and a range of creative workshops led by talented artists happening over the weekend – tickets for these events will go on sale through the website at 10am on 9th April 2021 and 1 week earlier for Benefactors of the festival.

For all the details visit: artBEAT

If you are an artist and interested in applying for a stand at artBEAT, please email artbeat@broadwayartsfestival.


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