Muse, Morph, Create – Talk by Couture Shoemaker Caroline Groves

2021-05-05T18:06:43+01:00January 25th, 2021||

The poet uses words, the painter, oil. Caroline Groves talks about her medium of expression - the transformation of inspiration and ideas into wearable works of art. Expect an enjoyable evening full of insight and stories about her journey into high-end shoemaking and her commitment to sustainability in the use of traditional methods and natural [...]

Design & make a silver pendant workshop

2021-05-20T20:11:12+01:00February 5th, 2020||

This is an opportunity for those who are either novices or have some basic to medium silversmithing skills, to learn a variety of techniques under the careful tutorage of Karen Lockton and her colleague, Dawn. You will learn to solder, hand forge, anneal, finish and polish a solid sterling silver pendant. Karen and her daughter, [...]

A Tour of 2 Private Broadway Gardens with Marion Mako

2021-05-23T16:43:07+01:00January 23rd, 2020|, |

Broadway’s gardens have been the backdrop for artists, writers, actors and musicians for over a century, and continue this theme today. On this walking tour of two famous private gardens with Marion Mako, we shall hear about some of the stories behind those who created, inhabited and visited them, all looking their finest in June. [...]

Gordon Russell: A Champion of Design

2020-03-08T10:25:29+00:00January 22nd, 2020||

Verity Elson, Director of the Gordon Russell Design Museum in Broadway, explores the life and work of one of the most important names in British furniture design. The remarkable story of Gordon Russell and his company spans Arts and Crafts cabinetmaking, Modernism, The Festival of Britain, and beyond. Featuring images from the museum’s unique and [...]

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