Winners announced for the 2024 Julia & Martin Wilson Short Story Prize

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2024 Julia & Martin Wilson Short Story Prize

Broadway Arts Festival launched a short story prize in order to encourage creativity during the lockdown. The prize is generously sponsored and judged by festival Benefactors Julia & Martin Wilson who read every entry received, from across the world. The competition now takes place every other year.

We received a record 239 entries from across the world, 71 from outside the UK.

Comments from the judges, Julia & Martin Wilson:

“We were very pleased to see so many short stories, and many of them of a high standard, submitted from all over the World: a total of seventy-one came in from countries as far afield as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan as well as all across Europe. Indeed, the winner in one category was from Sri Lanka.

It was very difficult to choose a winner in the adult category as many of the entries were exceptionally good. In the two younger categories we took the ages of the writers into consideration when coming to our decisions. It was gratifying to see the large number of stories submitted in the 11 to16 age category and how well-written many of them were, particularly in the use of imagery and vocabulary.”

Introducing the 2024 Prize Winners:

Main Prize Winner (£800) – Susan Martin from Port Talbot, Wales for her story ‘Better Late Than Never‘

Age 11-16 Category Prize Winner (£100) – Senumika Udandi (Age 16) from Sri Lanka for her story  ‘The Old Apartment’

Age 10 & under Category Prize Winner (£100) – Benji Bastos (Age 9) from Wickhamford, Worcestershire for his story ‘Benji and the Bottom Burping Bear

We would like to congratulate all the winners and those Highly Commended and encourage you to read the winning stories and discover more about our winners on the

Short Story Competition Page

We hope you enjoy reading their creative and imaginative stories as much as we did!

2024-04-19T10:28:25+01:00April 19th, 2024|Uncategorized|

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