En Plein Air Painting 2 day Workshop with Haidee-Jo Summers ROI RSMA

2025-01-08T14:04:03+00:00November 15th, 2024||

Learn about painting the light and capturing the essence while painting plein air in the stunning private gardens of Springfield House in Broadway. Haidee-Jo is an internationally renowned plein air painter, Vice President of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and elected member of the Royal Society of Marine Artists. She is the author of [...]

En Plein Air Painting in the Gardens of Springfield House with Penny German

2023-04-24T10:02:15+01:00December 8th, 2022||

Join Penny German, associate member of the RBSA, for this wonderful opportunity to paint en plein air, in the beautiful private gardens of Springfield House, Broadway. The roses and other blooms will be at their fabulous best at this time of year in this stunning location. The workshop will begin with Penny giving a brief [...]

Today’s Events: Monday 6th June 2016

2017-02-20T14:50:27+00:00June 6th, 2016|Art Workshop/Demonstration, Exhibition, Lectures, Uncategorized|

Today from 10am in the studio at Springfield House, Springfield Lane, Broadway, Tony Allain 2-day workshop 'Colour and Light in Pastels'. Tickets £120 - please contact the Box Office for returns,     At 7pm in the Torrington Room at the Lygon Arms Hotel, a lecture by Adrian Barlow 'The Fear & Loathing in John Betjeman'. Tickets available : £10 on [...]

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