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In the late 19th century Broadway turned from a sleepy backwater into a hub of creativity thanks to an influx of mainly American artists, writers and actors.

Learn all about this world-famously influential colony on an informative, illustrated walk around beautiful Broadway with local art historian, Karen Bloch, and how one of the world’s most famous artworks was painted here in Broadway.

The walk will last approximately 2 hrs on relatively flat paved ground, so would also be suitable for motorised wheelchair users. We will go ahead even if it is raining, so please dress for all weathers and wear comfortable shoes.

The walk will start and finish at the war memorial in the centre of the village by the village green. Your guide will be local resident, Karen Bloch.

Tickets £17  (Limited to 15 places)

Tickets will be going on sale to the public at 10am on Friday 26th January 2024, and 1 week earlier for festival benefactors.
Do consider becoming a Benefactor (for as little as £50) to secure priority booking for all our 2024 events. Benefactor applications are now open.


Your guide, Karen Bloch.


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