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Our annual open art competition is open to any artist in any medium, professional & amateur.

Artists’ work that is selected for the final judging stage forms an exclusive selling exhibition of 150 works at Theatrebarn in Bretforton (15 mins drive from Broadway) from Friday 27th September – Sunday 6th October 2024, open daily from 11am – 4pm. Entry to the exhibition is free and there is ample free parking onsite.

We received 580 entries from across the UK this year, and the finalists and prize-winners form this exclusive selling exhibition in the beautiful buildings and grounds of Theatrebarn.

The exhibition is an exciting array of beautiful works in a huge range of style and to fit every budget. Perfect if you have a bare wall, nook or windowsill and are looking for a bespoke piece of British art, or to simply admire!

All the works are available to buy. If you see a piece that you would like to purchase, please go to the sales desk and they will assist you.

You will have a chance to see one of our finalists at work during your visit as we have a schedule of live demonstrations for the duration of the exhibition, 2 per day.

Broadway Arts Festival is an arts charity, so all the funds raised go towards their outreach projects with local schools, bursaries for local university arts students and the next 10 day festival June 2025.

Cast your vote for Visitors’ Choice!

We also have a Visitors’ Choice prize. So do cast your vote for your favourite entry when you visit (one vote permitted per visitor). The prize winner will be announced and informed on the afternoon of Sunday 6th October!


We have a panel of esteemed judges, including category judges from the sponsors.




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You don’t need to print and bring your tickets.
Simply give your surname at the door and we will tick you off our guest list.