2 Day Watercolour Masterclass with Hazel Soan: Figures & Flowers
Fri May 31, 2024 @ 10:00 am - Sat June 1, 2024 @ 4:00 pm BST
| £220.00This 2 day masterclass explores watercolour’s wet into wet blending technique with renowned artist Hazel Soan. The workshop is geared to an intermediary level of skill but both an adventurous beginner and a seasoned professional would doubtless enjoy the experience as watercolour reveals its wonders!
We will use two different subjects, figures and flowers, both of which are subjects that benefit from the organic liveliness that wet into wet blending allows in painting. The soft blending that the wet into wet technique enables, means the watercolourist can make paintings feel more like what we see and enjoy at first sight. Rich blends, soft edges, lost and found passages of colour, description without unnecessary definition, a suggestion of movement, a hint of time – all these aspects create life in a painting.
The first day’s workshop concentrates on painting figures, possibly in a cafe setting, and will be a hall based masterclass exploring the use of wet into wet watercolour blending to enhance the suggestion of liveliness and movement. We will work from reference photographs. The first day will take place in the Lifford Hall in central Broadway.
The second day’s workshop explores the use of wet into wet blending for representing the organic nature of flowers in the spectacular private gardens of Springfield House in Broadway. We will start with individual blooms and then paint a wider scene, but as we are painting from life, specific subjects will only be determined on the day dependent on the weather, the light and the flowers blooming around us.
Tickets £220 – limited to 15 places
(Includes a light lunch on the second day)
About the tutor:
Hazel Soan is a British artist working out of studios in London and Cape Town and on location throughout the world. Her work is represented in private and public collections worldwide, including the National Portrait Gallery and the Ritz. Hazel has held numerous solo exhibitions, mainly in London and the UK, but also in Venezuela, Namibia and Zimbabwe. She has participated in mixed exhibitions, including Royal Academy, Barbican Centre, Midland Open, Mall Galleries, and David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.
Hazel is a natural and talented communicator and became popular for her television role as an Art Expert on Channel 4’s Watercolour Challenge and her own series, Anglia TV’s Splash of Colour.
Her passion for painting is shared through books, DVD films, workshops, lectures and painting holidays, demonstrating the vibrant immediacy of the watercolour medium and the properties of watercolour pigments. She is the author of more than 20 books and contributes articles regularly to The Artist magazine and other art titles.
Materials List:
PAPER 100% cotton paper – eg Saunders Waterford, Arches, Khadi – rough surface 140lb+ in sketchblocks, or loose sheets and drawing board. Approx size 11×15”-16×20”
PENCIL HB and 2B, putty rubber, pencil sharpener/blade
PAINT Enamel paintbox with palette, pans and tubes of Artist’s Quality Watercolour. I use Schmincke and a few Winsor & Newton. I suggest you bring your own normal set of colours.
Her palette includes:
Blues: Ultramarine Blue Finest, Prussian Blue, Cobalt Blue, Cerulean Blue
Yellows: Yellow Raw Ochre, Aureolin, Indian Yellow, Cadmium yellow
Reds: Alizarin Crimson, Ruby Red (Permanent Rose), Cadmium Red, Quinachridone Red
Earths: Burnt Sienna, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Light Red
Other:Transparent Orange, Schmincke Violet, Permanent Sap Green, Viridian, Perylene Green, Transparent Turquoise, Indigo, Sepia Brown
Optional Titanium White (gouache or watercolour)
BRUSHES Bring your normal brushes. I use sable watercolour brushes in the following sizes:
Round, sizes 12, 10, 8, 6
Large 3/4” flat brush
Fine rigger
WATER 3 small clear water pots and reservoir bottle.
Kitchen roll/rag
Natural sponge
Folding Stool
Art Bag / folder for keeping finished paintings flat
Would you like to buy a Broadway Arts Festival apron to wear at the workshop? If so, just add it to your order for £18 and it will be available for collection at your workshop.
Tutor Hazel Soan
Springfield House Private Gardens – location for Day 2
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