At 7.30pm in St Michael and All Angels’ Church, Church Street, Broadway, a concert with Nicholas Merryweather (baritone) and Joseph Ramadan (piano).
Tickets available : £15 on the door or from the Box Office at the Gordon Russell Museum, Russell Square, Broadway WR12 7AP, which is open today from 11am to 4pm.
Today from 10am in the studio at Springfield House, Springfield Lane, Broadway, the second day of a Tony Allain 2-day workshop ‘Colour and Light in Pastels’.
Exhibition of the Photographs of Patrick Lichfield in the Lifford Hall, Lower Green, Broadway. The exhibition is open every day throughout the Festival from 10am to 4pm.
Exhibition entrance £5.
The Exhibition of the 2016 Open Art Competition at Little Buckland Gallery, Broadway WR12 7JH (just outside the village off the B4632 towards Cheltenham) is open today from 10am.
Entrance is free and the exhibition is open daily throughout the Festival till Sunday 19th June 2016 from 10am to 4pm.
At Haynes Fine Art, Picton House, 42 High Street, Broadway WR12 7DT, an exhibition of art of the Second World War ‘Life at the Time’ will be open daily throughout the Festival from 10am to 4pm. Entrance free. Exhibition catalogue £15.