Why become a Benefactor?

Benefactor donations are essential to us to secure the future success of the Broadway Arts Festival and planning is now underway for a packed programme of inspiring and entertaining events at the next festival in 2025.

Donations from our benefactors also fund our schools outreach programme with local primary and secondary schools and our bursaries for local students pursuing careers in the arts. Your support can make a real difference to young people’s lives

Our 2025 benefactor scheme offers the following benefits:

Platinum Benefactor/Event Sponsor
Individuals – Minimum donation of £800 and up to £3000
Couples – Minimum donation of £1000 and up to £3000
Select an event that you would personally like to support in 2025 and email Alison at alison@broadwayartsfestival.com to discuss
• meet and greet opportunity with the performer/artist/speaker at the event
• name listed in the printed programme and on the website (also option to remain anonymous)
• 1 week priority booking
• exclusive drinks party in the gardens of Russell House on the opening night of the festival (6th June)
• drinks reception and private view of the art competition exhibition in the autumn

Gold Benefactor – (minimum individual donation of £350 / couples £550)
• 1 week priority booking• name listed in the printed programme and on the website
• exclusive drinks party in the gardens of Russell House on the opening night of the festival (6th June)
• drinks reception and private view of the art competition exhibition in the autumn

Silver Benefactor – (minimum individual donation of £200 / couples £350)
• 1 week priority booking• name listed in the printed programme and on the website
• drinks reception and private view of the art competition exhibition in the autumn

Bronze Benefactor – (minimum individual donation of £60)
• 1 week priority booking

How to Apply

Download the application form by clicking the link below and send to:

Broadway Arts Festival (Benefactor)
Russell House
Lower Green
WR12 7BU

Payments are preferred by online bank transfer/BACS to reduce bank charges:

Bank Details:

Broadway Arts Festival
Sort Code: 40-15-35
Account number: 40020079

Please include the payment reference “Bene” or “Donation”

If you are unable to make an online payment, please send a cheque made payable to “Broadway Arts Festival” along with your application form.


We appreciate that not everyone is in a position to join the Benefactor scheme, but anything you feel able to donate will make a difference to our ability to continue running an arts festival of the very best quality and supporting our arts grants and free arts activities in local schools. Please make a donation by online bank transfer or send a cheque to the address above if you would like to make a donation.

Andrew Dakin & Malcolm Rogers
Colin & Susan Enticknap
George Harrison
Jason & Susan Lewis
Stephen & Elizabeth McGill
Alastair & Julieanne McGrigor
Sharon Stirling & Mark Ward

Michael & Sara Ayshford Sanford
Peter & Rosanne Bailey
William & Margot Beaumont
Karen & Thomas Bloch
Mark & Angela Chambers
Elizabeth Eyre
Karen Grant
Kay Haslam
Margot James & Jay Hunt
John & Arabella Kiszely
Ian & Deborah Lancaster
Jim & Carole Leng
Anne Longhurst
Hugh & Helen Munro
Peter & Jean Oliver
John & Jo Perkins
Peter & Helen Rushmore
Martin & Julia Wilson

Jeremy & Margaret Bishop
Roger & Rosemarie Dudley
Julie Edwardes
Dominique Hardiman
Michael & Pamela Horton
Tony Iommi
Elizabeth James
Donna Jenkins
Mark & Di Johnstone
Helen Lancon
Anna Locker
Michael de Navarro
Martin & Gerri Potts
Richard Thornhill
Caroline & Michael Tripp