In response to the lockdown and Coronavirus pandemic, Broadway Arts Festival launched a new short story prize in addition to their art prize in order to encourage creativity during the lockdown.

With a main prize of £400 and under 16 prize of £100, the competition was free to enter, with a maximum of 2,000 words. Entrants had just over one month to submit their entries.

The prize was generously sponsored by festival benefactors Julia & Martin Wilson who also judged the very varied and eclectic entries from across the globe.

“Our idea in starting the Short Story Competition was to expand the range of the Broadway Arts Festival and, more importantly, to encourage imaginative writing, in particular by younger people. We were surprised and very gratified by the large number of entries – 193 in all – and by the very high standard of so many of the stories. Both the prize-winning entries in the Adult and Under Sixteen categories were beautifully written and highly original.” 

Julia & Martin Wilson

The winning stories are now published on the festival website for all to read & enjoy at