50 Years of the National Portrait Gallery

2020-03-06T14:06:09+00:00November 17th, 2019||

A conversation between Sir Roy Strong, Director 1959-1973, and Nicholas Cullinan, Director since 2015. The collections of the National Portrait Gallery provide a fascinating commentary on British history and culture with images from Henry VIII to Judy Dench, addressing questions of identity and achievement and promoting engagement with portraiture in all media. In this lively [...]

Director of the National Portrait Gallery Nicholas Cullinan to appear at the 2020 Broadway Arts Festival

2019-11-17T12:11:57+00:00November 17th, 2019|Lectures, The festival|

  We are pleased to announce that Nicholas Cullinan, Director of the National Portrait Gallery will be appearing at our festival in conversation with our Patron, Sir Roy Strong who was the Director from 1959-1973, on "50 Years of the National Portrait Gallery" on Friday 12th June at 2pm. Nicholas took up his position as [...]

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