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Are you inspired by Sky Arts Portrait Artist of the Year?  Fancy learning how to do this yourself? Then join our Artist in Residence Nick Logan for this full day portrait workshop!

You’ll be working from a live model as Nick shows you a simple method for depicting the face. There will be an emphasis on value contrast/compression, edges, anatomy, flat and volumetric form.

Nick Logan acquired his BA (Hons) in Fine Art, Drawing & Painting at Glasgow School of Art in 2003 with a sellout degree show.
He currently teaches regular painting and drawing classes & workshops.

See www.nicklogan.co.uk for more info

Suitable for all abilities – participants do not need to bring any materials apart from an easel as all will be supplied.

This event will be taking place at the Lifford Hall in the centre of Broadway.

Tickets: £80  (15 available)

Tickets go on sale through the website at 10am on 11th March, and 1 week earlier (4th March) for Benefactors of the festival who qualify for Priority Booking.

You can become a Benefactor for as little as £50 and support our Outreach Projects in doing so, applications are now open.


Nick Logan:


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