Painting in oils at Snowshill Manor Gardens NT with Penny German
Tue June 8, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm BST
| £85.00Painting in oils in the gardens of Snowshill Manor ‘Capturing the essence of a garden’
Join Penny German, associate member of the RBSA for this wonderful opportunity to paint en Plein Air, in the orchard and gardens of National Trust Property Snowshill Manor & Gardens.
The workshop will begin with Penny giving a brief talk about outdoor painting, followed by a demonstration of painting in the garden. Participants will then find their own spot to paint autonomously whilst Penny circulates offering help and advice where required.
Penny exhibits regularly with the Royal Institute of Oil Painters at the Mall Galleries and she is a regular contributor to The Artist Magazine.
This workshop will be based in the gardens and orchard of National Trust property, Snowshill Manor, just a 5 min drive outside Broadway village.
Snowshill Manor is a beautiful Cotswold Stone manor house built c1550 and restored by architect, artist, poet and craftsman Charles Paget Wade.
The terraced gardens here are the perfect place to unwind and to explore hidden vistas and quiet corners to enjoy your painting.
This year the gardens are celebrating 100 year since they were re-designed by Charles Wade.
Ticket price £85
Limited to 12 places (Maximum purchase of 2 per person)
The price of your ticket for this workshop will include entrance to the gardens of Snowshill Manor and you’ll also have the opportunity to spend time visiting the fabulous collections within the house (which is open 11:30 to 16:30).
Please note: Due to the intense interest in this workshop (and to make it fair for all) we are limiting the number of tickets any person can buy to 2. This applies to benefactors of the festival and members of the general public. If you buy more than 2 they will be refunded and put back up for sale.
Tickets go on sale to the general public through the website at 10am on Friday 9th April and to Benefactors of the festival 1 week earlier at 10am on Good Friday.
Materials list:
Pochade box and tripod or easel
2 x board or canvas to paint on- no larger than 25 x 30cm (Penny will be using 18 x 24cm)
Paints- bring what you have- see Penny’s choice below
Brushes sizes 0-8
White spirit or other paint thinner/Zest It and pot for it
Kitchen roll/Bag for Rubbish
Matchsticks and glue to stick on the back of board to enable safe transit home whilst wet!
Sunhat and lotion
Paints: I shall be using mainly Michael Harding
Warm white (any white is fine)
Raw Umber
Burnt Umber
Yellow Ochre
Yellow lake
French Ultramarine
King’s blue
Alizarin Crimson
Violet Grey (optional)
Unbleached titanium
I may employ some greens I happen to have for mixing (Italian green/green umber/green gold/veridian) but not essential – you can make a variety of mixes with yellows/blues
Please note: a gazebo facility will be provided in case of bad weather but you may also wish to bring appropriate gear in case of rain.
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